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A beautiful aroma fills the room with this Come Away With Me wax melt bouquet.


This gorgeous wax melt bouquet comes packed in a lovely box, making it a great gift by itself or as part of a gift box.


A absolute contender to take us away to somewhere far away. 


Top Notes: Lemon Zest . Bergamot . Citron

Middle Notes: Neroli . Crisp Lavender . Lilac .Cashmere

Base Notes: Ivory Patchouli . Sandalwood . Light Musk


Approximately 20hrs of fragrant burn time per wax melt. 


Come Away With Me is topped off with dried Chamomile flowers. We use the highest quality Rapeseed and Coconut wax in all our wax melt bouquets. Our scents are vegan friendly, cruelty free, CMR and phthalate free, paraben and silicone free as well as PEG free.


How to use: Place your wax melt in the well of an oil/wax burner place a lit tea light under the well (we recommend a 4 hour tea light) and use until the tea light is extinguished. This is considered 1 burn and you should get between 4-6 burn times per wax melt. Note: factors such a temperature of the room, humidity and draft can affect the scent throw of your wax melt. 


Wax Melt Bouquet - Come Away with Me (20 hours)

  • How to use: Place your wax melt in the well of an oil/wax burner place a lit tea light under the well (we recommend a 4 hour tea light) and use until the tea light is extinguished. This is considered 1 burn and you should get between 4-6 burn times per wax melt.

    Note: factors such a temperature of the room, humidity and draft can affect the scent throw of your wax melt. 

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